September 7, 2009 – Sunday Peak

September 7, 2009 – Sunday Peak

We had so much fun on our hike up Sirretta Peak that we came up with the idea of hosting a group hike on our way back to camp. Having done Sunday Peak as a family when our kids were little, it seemed a great option for the inaugural Excellent Adventure. Located northeast of Glenville, Sunday Peak (elev. 8,295′) is reached via a short but steep 3-mile round-trip hike that offers a shaded trail and 360-degree views. We met up in East Bakersfield and caravanned in several vehicles to the trailhead north of Alta Sierra, hitting the trail about 11am. Not sure if the group collectively thought of it as a race, but the pace up the trail was brisk to say the least. The main body finally stopped to take a breather where the trail first levels out through Portuguese Pass – following that section, the trial climbs again to the south and east, switchbacking up through open forest to the rocky summit. To the north is Dome Rock and the Needles with the Sierra Crest, including Mounts Whitney and Langley, beyond. Eastward we could see into the Lake Isabella area, while to the southwest we looked down through the haze to Bakersfield and the San Joaquin Valley. After eating lunch and getting some other hikers to snap a group photo for us, we returned to the cars, some of us choosing to stop and explore the Cedar Creek campground on the road down to Glenville. We the made our way to Hassan-O’s restaurant in Glenville for the town’s best (ok, only) pizza. A great day and the start of a continuing tradition.

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